At the beginning, we relied on:
– Dettol : to kill germs effectively
– Fragrance cleaning products. : to leave a pleasant scent for clients
– Bleach : for its strong and quick results
I handpicked these products because they made the space smell and “feel” clean, ensuring our team performed well at work. However, during this time, my hands often became dry and cracked, and I constantly smelled like a “walking medical clinic”. Its very common to have chemicals on my body and cant 100% wash them off.
💡 Lightbulb moment:
One day, I realized my team faced the same issues. We were exchanging health for income, using hope as a strategy that it wouldn’t come with long-term costs.
PS: We all know how using hope as a strategy goes.
🍃 Our Solution:
We switched to eucalyptus oil-based products:
🌱 Natural and non-fragranced
🇦🇺 Using Bosisto’s as our local supplier (Australian made & bred)
💪 Healthier choice compared to synthetic chemicals
We adapted our cleaning procedures to maintain performance while minimizing chemical use and cross-contamination.
The Cost:
💸 Eucalyptus-based products are 1200% more expensive
♻️ Biodegradable bin bags are 300% more costly
The Outcome
During this transition, the skin on my hands improved, and I asked my cleaners’ community for their thoughts. All feedback was positive—they felt better physically and were very happy with our decision to switch to natural cleaning products.
Environmentally, knowing we switched to bio degradable bin bags that fully decompose within 5 years, compared to 2 generations with normal plastic, is incredibly satisfying.
Unknowingly, our approach aligns with our ideal clients and supports their green ethos.
🌟 It feels good to do the right thing, aligning with our values and caring for those around us.
Well, its about time you know why we choose this way. 🌿✨